I'm not sure if you've noticed but I am NOT a landscape, outdoor, macro photographer. It doesn't mean that I wouldn't love to be or that I don't appreciate those that are I just don't feel as natural or comfortable in that particular area. I do have a 15 month old that loves to be outside and now that's he's mobile and has a strong opinion about being outside, I have found myself outside a lot on the few dry days we've had! I thought I would step out of my comfort zone and work with some plants rather than humans or animals. It turns out it's a lot of fun! They hold very still, don't talk back and never blink! Here are just two pictures that I was happy to to get out of my outdoor adventure.
I patiently waited for this little bee to stop buzzing around frantically and boy am I glad I did. I really love how this turned out
I am not sure what I love so much about this picture. Maybe all of the different directions that they leaves are going and shades of green. Also, the variation in depths. Ok, I guess I just figured out why I love this photo!

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